06762-296014 / 0674-3556538 (Bhubaneswar)
aira_dkl@yahoo.co.in / airamnpdkl@gmail.com
To organize the poor mass, develop their potential and to improve the socio-economic status thereby.
To extend needful service through institute&community based care of the neglected old and disabled persons.
To strive towards strengthening & popularizing 'life and living with dignity for all' through local based action components on 'rights & duties'.
Evolution of a society free from all sorts of discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities for all.
Registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 at Dhenkanal bearing No.1648/247 of 1987-88,dtd.13/03/1988.IGR Regn. No. 21272/76, Dtd.12/07/2001.
Registered under F.C.R. Act 1976 No.104890026, Dtd. 27.11.91.
Registered under 80G & 12A of Income Tax Exemption Act 1961.
Registered under F.C.R. Act 1976 No.104890026, Dtd. 27.11.91.
Registered under 80G & 12A of Income Tax Exemption Act 1961.
Registered under TAN under Income Tax No. BBNA00837E, dated. 25/01/2017.
PAN NO. AAATA6447K, dated. 12/07/2001.
Registered under NGO Partnership under NITI AYOGA vide No.OR/2009/0003765
Registered under PFMS (Public Fund Management System)
Registered under Service Tax
Registered under PWD Act with W & CD Dept., Govt. of Odisha, vide No. 24/DWPD of 2004/BBSR, Dated 04/10/2004.
Registered under National Trust Act.
Registered under ITPA, Odisha rule 1959 vide No. WCD/ITPA/2016/UJ/D09/00026.
Registered under ARUNIM (Initiative of Marketing) vide No. ARN3006.
AIRA is an ISO 9001-2008 Certified Organization.